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Professor Peter Deschamps, lead organiser for the UEMS-CAP section  

Training Day Sessions

9h00 - 10h30: Interactive workshop

Speaker: Sue Bailey

Sue Bailey is a child and adolescent forensic psychiatrist, social scientist and health policy lobbyist. Her current roles are: President CAP Section of UEMS, Chair Centre for Mental Health UK, Non Executive Director Manchester University Acute NHS Trust, Independent Chair New Roles In Mental Health -Health Education England, BEVAN commissioner, Independent Non Executive Director KOOTH online mental health platform. Her previous roles consist of: Non Executive Director Department of Health And Social Care, Chair Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, UK UEMS national representative, President Royal College of Psychiatrists ,Chair Children and Young People's Mental Health Coalition. Independent Advisor CAHMS -Minister of Health and Social Care Wales, Advisor Childrens Commissionor England.

Workshop title: How to join the political table for child mental health - Advocacy tips and tricks for trainees

How best to apply your skills as a child psychiatrist to the task of influencing policy makers:Bringing evidenced based policy into practice

We will:
    -Explore together the skills you have 
    -how to apply to policy influencing 
    -embedding these skills into all you do 
    Why children and young peoples mental health matters to society 
    The unique offer child psychiatrists can make 
    Understanding where we sit in pathways of care across worlds of health, education, social care. Justice and world of work. 
    Make what you know understood by public, policy makers public and all health professionals 
    Making life easier for policy makers 
    Taking a valued-based approach and a human rights, social justice approach
We will:
    Use case scenarios to test out the "what and how" and to learn to "what impact"
Desired learning outcomes:
    Be able to give a succinct 3 point "Why CAMH matters "
    What child psychiatrists can do to help? 
    Describe tangible difference we can make 
    Give one example of how you as a trainee will take the learning into your working life 

11h00 - 12h30: Interactive workshop

Speaker: Thorsten Schumann

Thorsten Schumann is a trained CAP from Germany and Denmark, working as a consultant at the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in Southern Jutland / Denmark, works with postgraduate medical training as Associate Professor in Medical Education at the University of Southern Denmark and serves as Vice President of the Board of UEMS Child and Adolescent Psychiatry section.

Workshop title: Active life-long learning in CAP - Why you don’t have to worry there will be nothing left to learn once you are a CAP


Background: Postgraduate training in CAP is to prepare trainees for a life as specialists. In an ever-changing world that means adapting to new contexts and demands and opportunities. That requires a commitment and a mindset – but also tools that should be developed in postgraduate training.

Methods: After an overview of relevant learning theories we look at a model to support trainees in assessing their own learning preferences, prioritizing and designing learning initiatives in line with organizational needs and evaluate learning outcomes in an iterative process. We will discuss and test feedback on these skills.

Expected learning outcomes: Participants will acquire a tool to assess their own learning needs as a basis for negotiation with their organisations – to disseminate further into CAP training in their own contexts.


14h00 - 15h30: Interactive workshop

Speaker: Peter Deschamps

Peter Deschamps works as a child and adolescent psychiatrist at the Utrecht University Hospital in the Netherlands. In his daily work, he combines patient care, teaching, supervision and management of the department of developmental disorders. His aim is to contribute to the best possible care for young people with mental health problems and their families. He has roles  in education and training as a training program director, as chair of the working group of CAP teaching curriculum revision in the Netherlands and as President of the Board of Education of the UEMS-CAP.

Lecture title: Administrative load: a millstone for CAP trainees? - Methods to balance record keeping and clinical work


Background: Anecdotal evidence suggests that trainees at the beginning of their careers hope to achieve a balance of talking to patients versus administrative duties of 80/20, but over the course of training have to settle with a 50/50 equilibrium. Despite a rapid increase in digitalisation of electronic mental health records and more efficient ways to communicate with colleagues and patients, administrative duties seem to have overtaken. On the up-side administrative processes may have increased patient safety or provide better insight in management of care. However, a balance with too little direct patient contact is likely to have a direct effect on the capacity of the system as a whole and may have implications in physician well-being and thus efficiency in the long run.

Methods: This workshop will first stimulate trainees to explore their own potential administrative millstones using a brief online questionnaire on their view and experience as well as motivation of administrative duties versus other tasks during their own clinical training. The results of this survey will then be presented real-time. A short presentation will be given including potential venues to influence time spend on administrative processes on the micro level (personal time-management, talking to and negotiating with supervisors), meso-level (policy of the ward or training centre) and macro-level (advocacy and influencing health insurance companies and policy makers). The workshop will proceed with small-group discussions allowing all trainees to make a personal plan of change if needed.

Results: In this workshop trainees will explore their own administrative balance, pinpoint potential milestones, gain knowledge of what they can do at different levels to change and if needed make a personal plan.

Conclusion: Administrative load is a potential millstone that may affect training and care efficiency and physician wellbeing. Reflection on administrative load early on in the career of a trainee has potential positive effects on both.