Resources related to Ukraine war

ESCAP special positional statement, ECAP editorial and webinar

ESCAP are doing what we can to provide current and relevant material to support the situation in the Ukraine. Here, we provide a positional statement, a scoping editorial by policy division lead professor Fegert and his esteemed colleagues, and a recording of the webinar held of the 29th March. Access all using the links below.

Positional Statement: War hits children first!

Scoping editorial in ECAP

Access Webinar Recording: the impact of war and forced displacement on children's mental health - 29th March 14h00 - 16h00 CET.

Positional Statement: The impact of war, December 2022

Thanks to all those who joined the webinar.   

Resources for dealing with children during and after war

With permission from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) and in collaboration with the Universitätsklinikum Ulm, Germany, our ESCAP policy division lead Joerg Fegert and his colleagues provide here essential resources in English, German, Ukrainian and Russian that may help parents, caregivers and clinicians during this volatile time. Please click on the links below to access the documents. 

Talking to children about war Mit Kindern über Krieg sprechen Розмова з дітьми про війну  Как говорить с детьми о войне 
After a crisis: how young people heal Nach der Krise: Kinder helfen zu heilen Після кризи: Як допомогти дитині зцілитися После кризиса: Как помочь детям исцелиться
Age-related reactions to a traumatic event Altersentsprechende Traumareaktionen 9Ознаки психологічної травми в дітей різного віку Соответствующие возрасту реакции на травму

Additional resource: Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Humanitarian Response in Ukraine and Neighbouring Countries (links to resources in various languages) courtesy of IASC (Inter-Agency Standing Committee)