
The European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (ESCAP) evolved from the Union of European Paedopsychiatrists (UEP) which had its first meeting in October 1954 in Magglingen, Switzerland. At this meeting, Moritz Tramer (Switzerland) was elected President and Jakob Lutz (also Switzerland) managing president. Profs. Donner (Finland), Fontes (Portugal), Michaux (France), De Ruyter (Netherlands) and Sanctis (Italy) were elected vice-presidents. Dr Friedemann (Switzerland) was elected secretary-general.


The UEP held several conferences during the following years until its official foundation in September 1960 in Paris during the first congress of this organization which took place in Paris September 16th-19th 1960.


The organization changed its name twice: in 1982 into European Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and after the congress in Lausanne (1983) into European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (ESCAP).


Congresses: Paris (1960), Rome (1963), Wiesbaden (1967), Stockholm (1971), Vienna (1975), Madrid (1979), Lausanne (1983), Varna (1987), London (1991), Utrecht (1995), Hamburg (1999), Paris (2003), Florence (2007), Budapest (2009), Helsinki (2011), Dublin (2013), Madrid (2015), Geneva (2017), Vienna (2019), Maastricht (2022), Copenhagen (2023).

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Current and past presidents

Professor Jörg Fegert

2023 - 2027

Professor Dimitris Anagnostopoulos

2019 - 2023


Professor Stephan Eliez

2015 - 2019

Professor Ruud Minderaa

2011 - 2015