Paris 2003

12th International Congress of ESCAP 2003 Paris

Developmental psychopathology: Transmission and change. Influence of transmission models on understanding development, diagnosis, and treatment of psychiatric disorders of children and adolescents

Congress President and President of ESCAP: Prof. Ph. Jeammet

Date: September 28th – October 1st 2003

Venue: C. N. I. T. (Centre National des Industries et Techniques) 2, Place de la Défense
92053 Paris – La Défence, France


  • Family heritage – Genetics – Heredity – Heritability.
  • Transmission, attachment and early interactions.
  • Temperament, resilience and vulnerability.
  • Traumas and development: violence, catastrophes and wars.
  • Transmission – Interruptions – Migrations – Identity.
  • Development – Parenting and its vicissitudes – Modes of filiation – Adoption.
  • Gender identity.
  • Children of sick parents.
  • Somatic illness and mental development.
  • Early diagnosis and prognosis: Mood disorders, autism, schizophrenia.
  • New ways of understanding behaviour disorders in children and adolescents: addictions, suicide, violence, eating disorders, hyperactivity.
  • Changes and treatment processes.
  • Choice of psychotherapy and feedback assessment.
  • When and how to prescribe psychotropic drugs for children and adolescents: thymoregulators, antidepressants, antipsychotics, stimulants.
  • Organisation of European care networks: Health, School, Social Services, Justice.
  • Education and guidance for parents.
  • Transmission of knowledge and training for professionals.

President: Ph. Jeammet (France)
Secretary: R. C. Harrington (United Kingdom)
Treasurer: P. McCarthy (Ireland)
Past President: H. H. Remschmidt (Germany)
D. Burgin (Switzerland) E. Caffo (Italy)
B. Gunning (Netherlands) T. Mircea (Romania)
T. Tamminen (Finland) M. Tomori (Slovenia)
J. Tsiantis (Greece)
I. H.Vandvik (Norway)

Presidential letter

Dear Colleagues,

As president of the European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, it is an honour for me, and a great pleasure, to invite you to our 12th International Congress, which will take place at the CNIT, Paris – La Défense, from September 28th to October 1st, 2003.

The theme of the congress,“Developmental Psychopathology: Transmission and Change” was chosen to emphasize the need for reflection on how psychic disturbances are transmitted, and the importance of the processes of change during development: changes evoked by psychopathological processes, changes in the modes of expression of disorders depending on the stages of development, and changes linked to social, familial and therapeutic transformations.

Progress in the fields of genetics, molecular biology, neuro-endocrino-immunology and brain imaging technology, is bringing us both new information and new questions – especially regarding the respective roles and functions of genetic and environmental factors. Meanwhile, changes affecting society, family, education and life styles are accompanied by changes in the way illness and suffering is expressed by children and adolescents.

Where is the boundary between normality and pathology? Where do we draw the line between behaviours which only require educational measures, and those which call for special care? Such limits are especially difficult to define because enduring harmful behaviours carry their own pathogenic effects, which reorganise the personality and confine the subject into repetitive patterns, which become increasingly difficult to control. Furthermore, in the search for early signs of disorders which develop fully during late adolescence or early adulthood, child psychiatrists are concerned with their possible link with behavioural disturbances and atypical manifestations of childhood, and the question of exactly when specific treatment is indicated.

Progress in recent decades may herald a new era in psychiatry. The study of child and adolescent development is of crucial importance, since it is at this period in human life, more than at any other, that various vulnerability factors interact with the attachment bonding modalities, which are essential in the organisation and development of personality.

The combination of social pressure, increased demand for achievement in young people, and greater visibility of behavioural disturbances, might explain why child psychiatrists are increasingly challenged by public authorities, the educational system, courts, and families. Child psychiatrists are not only requested to provide answers, when they have them, but are also asked to transmit their knowledge, in order to develop (along with those important social partners) responses that help them to deal with the difficulties of troubled children, thus avoiding developmental blocks and irretrievable pathological situations.

It is my wish that this congress will help us share our knowledge, hopes and difficulties, in a friendly and assiduous atmosphere, and an attractive Parisian setting.
Professor Philippe Jeammet
President of ESCAP 


Scientific Committees

National Committee:

C. Aussilloux
D. Bailly
P. Bizouard
G. Bourcier
M. M. Bourrat
C. Bursztejn
P. Chardeau
J. C. Chanseau
J. Constant
A. J. Coudert
B. Durand
P. Ferrari

International Advisory Board:

P. Graham (United Kingdom)
H. Van Engeland (Netherlands)
O. Halfon (Switzerland)
A. Carreira (Portugal)

and the ESCAP Board members


V. Granboulan
J. Hochmann
C. Mille
R. Misés
M. Myquel
A. Plantade
Fr. Rouam
G. Schmit
R. Soulayrol
M. Soule
G. Levi (Italy)
B. Gillberg (Sweden)
J. M. Velilla Picazo (Spain)
A. Vetro (Hungary)

Local Organising Committee

President: Ph. Jeammet (Institut Mutualiste Montsouris)
M. Botbol (Clinique Dupré)
A. Braconnier (ASM 13)
C. Chabert (Université Paris V)
C. Chiland (Centre Alfred Binet)
D. Cohen (Hôpital de la Salpétrière)
M. Corcos (Institut Mutualiste Montsouris)
C. Corlier (Institut Mutualiste Montsouris)
C. Epelbaum (Fondation Vallée)
M. Flament (Inserm – Hôpital de la Salpétrière)
J. Fortineau (Hôpital Esquirol)
N. Godart (Institut Mutualiste Montsouris)
B. Golse (Hôpital Necker – Enfants Malades)
A. Guedeney (Hôpital Bichat)
P. Huerre (Clinique G. Heuyer)
S. D. Kipman (Paris)
Ph. Mazet (Hôpital de la Salpétrière)
M. R. Moro (Hôpital Avicenne)
M. C. Mouren-Simeoni (Hôpital Robert Debré)
A. Revah-Levy (Hôpital Avicenne)
M. Speranza (Fondation Vallée)
J. P. Thevenot (Hôpital Perray-Vaucluse)


  • International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions
  • International Society for Adolescent Psychiatry
    World Association of Infant Mental Health
    Sociedad Espanola de Psiquiatria y Psicoterapia del Nino y del Adolescente
  • European Child and Adolescent Psychopathology Association
  • European Federation for Psychoanalytical Psychotherapy in the
  • Public Sector
  • European Psychiatry Association
  • French Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Research
  • French Federation for Psychiatry
  • French Paediatrics Association
  • French Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry