Professor Sally Rogers interview on early treatment of autism spectrum disorder, at the ESCAP 2015 Congress in Madrid.

ESCAP 2015 Madrid keynote abstract, original presentation and TV interview

How malleable is autism? Outcome studies from the youngest children with ASD

TV interview and original presentation and KEYNOTE abstract by professor Sally Rogers (UC Davis MIND Institute, Sacramento) titled 'How malleable is autism? Outcome studies from the youngest children with ASD', held at the ESCAP 2015 Congress in Madrid, Monday June 22nd 2015 (M4).


For most of the time since its recognition, autism spectrum disorder has been understood as a biologically based, severe and chronic neurodevelopmental disorder affecting virtually all areas of development and beginning in earliest childhood. Initial reports of major changes due to behavioral treatment were met with skepticism or disregard. However, current emphasis on early detection of ASD reflects the increasing data suggesting that high quality developmental/behavioral interventions in earliest childhood can significantly alter the course of ASD and related impairments for many children and families. This talk will focus on the evidence that supports these views and the characteristics of the most successful intervention approaches, and responders.

View or download the original Madrid presentation by Sally Rogers (pdf, 48 slides).

Read the Sally Rogers interview.