Towards ESCAP uniform guidelines for diagnostics and treatment

Brendan Doody: “Guide, not manualize”

Now on the agenda of the ESCAP Board is the issue of documenting shared knowledge between all member countries. A centralized treasure of evidence based European knowledge that is trusted and easy to access... One of the first steps has been defined as the development of uniform European guidelines for diagnostics and treatment.

Board member Dr Brendan Doody is on the front line of these discussions. He comments: “In my view everyone would welcome information guided practice, or protocol guided practice. We like the practice to be protocol driven, because practitioners are guided by these protocols. Rather than being manualized like You have to do it this way or the other.”

“That is how the guidelines are seen in Ireland. The cultural difference, or resistance if you like, is all about the way these guidelines are seen. And there’s nothing against the word ‘guide’ if it uses evidence as its input, is there? We should not see this as the ESCAP law we have to obey and shut up about. This is progress, cooperation, working together.”

“We are all going to have to apply those guidelines to a number of circumstances of our patients: families and children. We are all different. And this is where the clinicians will have to have their freedom in order to bring the guidelines to life in their profession. The European dimension strengthens this approach.”


In Dublin the ESCAP Board took first steps towards uniform guidelines for diagnostics and treatment.

Standing, left to right: Dimitris Anagnostopoulos (Greece), Carl-Göran Svedin (Sweden), Ruud Minderaa (president, Netherlands), Oscar Herreros (Spain), Stephan Eliez (Switzerland). Sitting, left to right: Claude Bursztejn (France), Agnes Vetro (Hungary), Sofie Crommen (Belgium), Beate Herpertz-Dahlmann (Germany), Füsun Çuhadaroglu (Turkey), Brendan Doody (Ireland).

ESCAP Board 2013