ESCAP International Congress, Geneva 9-11 July 2017

Synapsy 22q11 Deletion Syndrome Symposia

Symposia at the 2017 ESCAP Congress (Geneva) on 22q11 Deletion Syndrome, organized by the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research – Synapsy.

22q11.2 deletion syndrome: overview of the behavioral phenotype and available clinical interventions
Stephan Eliez, Maude Schneider, Marco Armando, Doron Gothelf.

22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11DS), also known as Velo-Cardio-Facial syndrome, is a common genetic disorder, occurring in at least 1:4000 live births. It is associated with a specific medical, cognitive, and clinical phenotype, although a high degree of heterogeneity is observed between patients. In particular, this condition is now recognized as one of the highest known risk factors for schizophrenia and is considered as a model for understanding the development of psychosis.
This symposium is aimed for clinicians or researchers who are not familiar with 22q11DS and who would like to improve their knowledge of this condition. The four speakers will perform a joint presentation covering recent findings regarding the following topics: 

  • frequent medical, cognitive, and clinical characteristics
  • assessment of attenuated symptoms of psychosis in 22q11DS
  • risk factors associated with transition to psychosis
  • marital and vocational outcome
  • pharmacological and psychosocial interventions