Pieter Hoekstra

ESCAP 2017 state of the art lecture by Pieter Hoekstra

Tourette syndrome: an update on newest findings on treatment and pathophysiology

State of the art abstract, full audio lecture and slide presentation by Pieter Hoekstra on newest findings on treatment and pathophysiology (ESCAP 2017 Congress in Geneva).

Tourette syndrome is a common childhood-onset disorder defined by the presence of motor and vocal tics, and often associated with co-occurring hyperactivity, inattention, impulsivity, compulsivity and/or social difficulties. Genes play a major role, both common and rare (sometimes de novo) variants and recent studies have started to identify genetic variants associated with TS. Environmental factors are also involved, most notably perinatal adverse events. Studies have additionally pointed to a role for streptococcal infections, but findings have been inconsistent and the concept of PANDAS is controversial. The past years have seen the publication of manualized behavioural treatments for TS, most notably habit reversal, now considered treatment of first choice. Results of medication are often disappointing. In this state of the art lecture I will summarize the recent literature in these areas.

View Pieter Hoekstra's slide presentation (pdf, 54 pages).

Read the Pieter Hoekstra interview.